Tiny Horse

Fashion, beauty, food, art…pleasing to the senses


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John bequeathed his immortality to me in the Christmas of 2011. Since then, I have found momentous occasions to wear this stunning piece of authentic LOTR jewelry out. It especially delights me when someone recognizes it and tries to remember the name of Arwen’s necklace. John had the idea when we were re-watching The Two Towers and The Noble Collection pamphlet fell out. There were a lot of useless, overpriced collectibles like Gandalf’s staff and Gimli’s axe, but there were also beautiful replicas of the one ring and elven jewelry. It was the perfect gift for a girly, fashionable nerd like me :).

Author: frithe13th

I am a young professional who cares a great deal about fashion, beauty, food, literature, art--anything and everything that inspires and/or draws an incredible amount of awe from me.

One thought on “Evenstar

  1. It’s gorgeous! I was just thinking, “That looks a lot like Arwen’s pendant!” I couldn’t remember its name though 🙂

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