Tiny Horse

Fashion, beauty, food, art…pleasing to the senses

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Subscription Addictions!

Latest manicure is a blue ombre. The second and third fingernails are completely different nail polishes, I swear to you! One is supposed to be a slate blue lavender and one is supposed to be a perfect baby blue. Apparently, I don’t actually have that many blue shades. I can achieve a much better ombre look with purples, greens or pinks!

During our Fall Northeastern trip in 2019, we went to this candy store called Chutters in NH and I got this fancy pink hot chocolate! I made it last night legit on the stove with fresh cream, a tiny bit of water, 2% milk and a sprinkling of lemon peel. The result was pretty-looking deliciousness!

This cool bath bomb had a tiny hammerhead shark has a surprise toy inside and turned the water to such a beautiful lavender shade! Can’t wait to try the others!

Love with Food is a fun food subscription box that comes once a month with interesting snacks! I don’t think there’s a specific theme but I have never heard of these brands or some varieties. I got this first box for only $4.99 and enjoyed most of these snacks except the bag of pretzels. Just for the novelty and the convenience of getting of try new healthy snacks, I’d say this is worth it to get another few months or so!

I actually found a subscription box for tea lovers! I love the idea and I do love that there’s an extensive questionnaire to make sure they get your preference right. I tested out whether this company could get my tea tastes right and…unfortunately, this will be my only box from them.

Pros: LOVE the reusable tea bag and the couple of disposable tea bags that came in my package. Love that they chose a flowering tea for me, love that they chose a great flavor from Harney and Sons for me

Cons: they chose lavender as a flavor for the flowering tea and it’s one of my least favorite flavors in foods and household scents. It’s so medicinal to me, ugh. I love that Paris flavor but I already own the full size container so this wasn’t a new discovery! The Organic India tea flavor was chamomile and I just don’t like it–too medicinal. The Einstein tea was not bad but kind of basic, like, just mint, which I have and tried lots of times.

I still would highly recommend this service though if you are less picky than I am!

This is a household subscription box called Who Gives a Crap for paper products that do not use trees! Everything you see in this picture shows what you get in your first box which is only $4!!! So worth it and so useful! My hubs is seriously the worst at reducing use of disposable products…so he goes through a roll of toilet paper and full box of tissues EVERY SINGLE DAY. Paper towels is almost like every other day. Anyways, I thought I’d look into a subscription for something like this and this service has options for all those types of products and for different schedules too. The cute thing is that they even encourage you to reuse the super adorable prints as wrapping paper, tissue paper, packing or book covers.

This is my order from Revitalash and it was $145. Their products are pretty high quality but I probably won’t go through their website next time. They don’t offer free gifts, samples or discounts :(. The eyeliner wasn’t exactly that creamy and the tweezers are about the same as Tweezerman’s but not even as cute. The eyelash curler is baller though! And the micellar wash works great! You spray it onto a cotton pad which works better than dumping the product from a small hole like all other toners and micellar waters.

Was inspired by my mom’s killer tofu dish so I had to make my own ground beef, Chinese greens, mushroom, cilantro, garlic tofu with a bit of chili oil.

Yaaaasss for Skyline chili! I legit crave this stuff and only my bestie in CBus will bring me some cans without fail every time I see her!

Cute little arrangement found while shopping at the Strip District on a Sunday.

This is Daphne’s THIRD time to Kalahari waterpark in Sandusky, OH and she’s only 2 yrs old. LOL. Livin’ it up on our last trip here ever!

During Christmas break, I tried out Solon’s escape room with the theme Budapest Express! We escaped with 7 minutes left so I wish the puzzles were a little harder or had some more layers. The facilities and ambiance of the place were top notch, however.